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Case Studies

Leading the Industry in Ecologically Sound Endotoxin Testing

Lilly continues to be an industry leader in using rFC, a scientifically proven, sustainable alternative to the horseshoe crab-sourced testing reagent, LAL. Both tests seek out the presence of harmful bacterial toxins in the injectable medicine manufacturing process.    

Multiple peer-reviewed studies have evaluated and established comparability of rFC and LAL, using both standard and environmental endotoxins. This is especially important now given that several species of crabs are under threat or endangered from habitat loss and overharvesting, which negatively affects the ecosystems inhabited by horseshoe crabs and other species.  

Currently, Lilly has converted 80% of our testing of medicines from LAL to rFC. We began to implement rFC testing in 2016. Lilly now uses rFC in all our injectable manufacturing facilities and for all our new injectable medicines. We have also implemented the method at several external partner sites and are actively working to convert additional sites. Lilly medicines using rFC for batch release have been approved by global health authorities and contribute to the health of millions of people around the world.       

Lilly supports and is pleased to see broader use of rFC in the pharmaceutical industry. This is not new science – rFC is derived from recombinant biotechnology, which Lilly has pioneered since 1982. As more pharmaceutical companies move away from LAL and embrace rFC, the environment and ecosystems in key parts of the world will benefit – all while maintaining patient safety.

External Collaborations and Partnerships

Biodiversity is a broad topic, and it is important to understand where the pharmaceutical sector can make a difference. Recognizing this, Lilly is proactively engaged in collaborative efforts with external partners and industry working groups to assess and prioritize the risks to biodiversity. 

This collaborative approach is a critical element for refining Lilly's biodiversity strategy and implementation plan. By actively involving external stakeholders, including environmental organizations, research institutions and industry peers, we can better ensure that our strategies are informed by a holistic understanding of biodiversity-related risks and opportunities. 

Biodiversity Research Collaboration

In 2023, Lilly initiated a collaborative biodiversity project with the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). The aim of this project is to assess the implication of the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) frameworks, which emerged following COP15, on sites where we operate. The collaboration also aims to evaluate TNFD's LEAP (Locate, Evaluate, Assess and Prepare) approach for Lilly's global sites, excluding upstream operations. This analysis will help inform further strategies and prioritization of biodiversity-related projects and metrics. 

See important information about our Sustainability report.